Valley Girl Rantings...
Monday, November 24, 2003
  Long time no talk.... Yikes...been busy lately...busy season is starting for me at work so there is little down time for me...I actually went to bed the other night at 8pm...was supposed to have a girls night out but I turned it down for a date with my warm, comfy bed.

Christmas is coming and it gives me a headache just thinking about it...I love Christmas but this year I have little to give...owning a business really drains your funds for the first little while...I've only had one paycheck in the four months I've been open...but I knew this going in so I can handle business partner on the other hand...she has a family to help support so she is freaking just a bit...hope things turn around for us very soon for both our sakes.

Watched one of those Hallmark Hall of Fame movies tonight on CBS...those damn commercials in between make me bawl everytime...I'm a sucker for sap...

But now I have to go to bed...I'd love to stay online and chat up some friends but alas...can barey keep my eyes open... 
My GOD my life is boring!

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