Valley Girl Rantings...
Monday, December 29, 2003
  Change is good.... But I lost a few things when I changed the template...not much to choose from either...tag board back soon... 
Sunday, December 28, 2003
  Never mind fixed GOD IT"S COLD!!! I swear I'm going to live in Cali eventually--I don't mind snow but when it gets so cold I can't type---it's just not right! 
  Yikes! Blog messed up! 
  My Plight For Fame Bettcha didn't know I wanted to be famous since the time I was a wee'm a creatively driven person and I've always wanted to make it in Hollywood--not neccessarily be famous but I'm addicted to writing and I'd love to write for a sitcom...even started writing an original screen play for Will&Grace and started one based loosely on the lives of myself and my friends called "Dream On"...I'm also interested in songwriting and writing for kids...just started a story for my neice and nephew...was supposed to be finished for Christmas but I had too much going on with the store...been open 6 months...can you believe it?

The new store at the Gateway hasn't opened yet...stupid franchise...I bet they won't last...really hoping they won't last--would hate to see anybody go out of business but I can't afford to lose the store--I hope the new year brings us plenty of profit--have had the writing bug lately so maybe I'll be able to accomplish a few things before spring...I'm still pissed off that I can't enter the Acclaim Screenwriting competition...or the Project Greenlight with Matt and doesn't pay to be Canadian in this business--I think I could do really well at it--I have so many ideas and the I still want to turn "Separate Worlds" into a screenplay--but I only have the first part written for the trilogy so I should probabaly concentrate on finishing the last two--the second one is written in my head--I just need to get it onto paper...

How bout a preview of the story I'm writing for my neice and nephew?

The Princess of Evans

The rain had just begun as Julian galloped through Allan Forrest on his trusty horse, Trucker. They had been riding for eternity, trying to outrun the shadowy figure that had been following him and his sister Ashley for much of that morning. Ashley had changed direction when she, on her horse Annikita, had nearly collided with an ancient oak tree in their path. Julian knew where to meet her and the old shack was now visible in the distance. With a leap over a fallen tree, Julian and Trucker screamed to a halt before the broken building. It was rumored that the ghost of a troll still resided in the dwelling but the siblings knew differently. Julian tied his horse and ran inside to get out of the rain and wait for his sister. A few moments later he heard the whinny of a horse and prayed that it was Ashley. A few seconds later, she emerged, soaked to the skin from the rain.

"Quickly, Julian, we must return before Mother knows we’re missing." Ashley said, breathlessly.

"Do you have the hats?" Julian asked.

"Yes, in my backpack," Ashley said turning around so Julian could retrieve the tools that would transport them back to their home in the first world. Julian handed the blue one to his sister and pulled his on his own. The red knit hat covered his eyes. It was still too large for his six-year-old head. Ashley giggled and helped him roll up the brim. "You’ll grow into it soon, I promise," she said, still laughing. She was ten, and the hat fit better than her brother’s, but she still had room to grow into it.

"Yeah, you’ve been saying that for years," Julian sighed.

"Are you ready?" Ashley asked.


Together they recited the key that would take them home, "So be the words of King Daniel and the peasants of Evans, that we the guardians of Princess Arianna shall arrive in safety to the town of Sussex." There was a flash of light and a second later Ashley opened her eyes to find herself warm in her bed. She threw off her covers and jumped out of the bed, ran out of her room and down the hall to the nursery where her baby sister, Arianna slept. She found Julian standing over the crib talking to their youngest sibling.

"Is she awake?" Ashley asked.

"Yeah and she said, ‘Hi Julian’."

Ashley giggled. "Fibber, she’s too young to talk."

"But she’s a princess so she’s special," Julian said.

"Yes she is special, but she’s no genius."

The children laughed as Arianna grinned at them, drool running down her chin. They were still laughing when they heard someone enter the room behind them.

"Hey guys! How long have you been awake?" It was their mother Susanna; she was holding a baby bottle.

"Hi Mom," the kids said together.

"Want breakfast?" Susanna asked as she gave the baby her bottle.

"Can we have pancakes?" Julian asked.

"Sure. Go down to the kitchen and start setting the table. I’ll be down as soon as I’m finished with Arianna."

"OK," the kids yelled. They walked quickly from the room and halted to a stop at the top of the stairs when they heard a sound coming from above the house, outside. The familiar whoosh sounds of a hot air balloon. "DAN’S HOME," they yelled as they ran down the stairs to meet their step dad.

The giant balloon was hovering over the wooded area behind their home. Dan was waving with both arms above his head as the basket of the balloon came dangerously close to chopping off the chimney atop the house. The kids ran out onto the lawn in bare feet to meet him and watched as the balloon came closer to the ground. But it was falling too fast and the kids could hear Dan saying, "Oh dear! Oh dear!" as the basket began to scrape the ground. It tipped and dumped its lone passenger out onto the green lawn with an "Umph!" Dan scrambled to his feet and smiled at the kids as he pushed his glasses up on his nose. He was grinning from ear to ear as the envelope of the balloon deflated on top of him. The kids giggled as Dan repeated, "Oh dear!" over and over again until he finally emerged from underneath the bright yellow fabric of the balloon. The kids cheered and ran to his open arms.

"How was your trip?" Ashley asked as Dan removed his multi colored jump-suit.

"Oh, very good, very good. Iceland is very cold this time of year, very cold." The kids of course knew that he had only come from Hampton which was not far away at all and was only as cold as it was where they stood now.

"Did you bring us gifts?" Julian asked.

"Sadly–I was attacked by an Icelandic Snowy Owl and he ate the snow cones I had for you."

The kids giggled. This was a game they had played since they had met Dan five years ago–they liked this game. Dan told them of adventures in far off places and the kids told Dan of their own; only their adventures were not made up. But what Dan didn’t know would not hurt him–and wouldn’t get the kids in trouble with their mother.

Hand in hand the three walked away from the balloon and into the warm house where their mother was mixing batter for pancakes. Arianna was in her highchair sucking on the middle fingers of her right hand. She saw her father and screeched in delight, fingers still in place inside her mouth. Dan laughed as he extracted her from her seat and swung her around in the air. Drool flew and before Susanna could turn and prevent it from happening, Arianna spit up her recently ingested formula, all over her father’s unpleasantly surprised face. "Oh Dear," he said repeatedly as he put her back in her chair. The kids laughed as Dan rushed around looking for a cloth. Susanna held one out to him and he grabbed at it to wipe his face and glasses that were covered with the formula. Everyone was laughing, even Dan.

"You will learn someday, darling," Susanna said as she poured the pancake batter into a hot waffle maker.

"He’ll never learn," Julian said as he wiped spittle from Arianna’s chin with her bib.

A few minutes later, Arianna was girgling with glee as Dan sat down at the table, face now clean. Susanna served breakfast and the kids ate quietly as Dan told stories of Big Foot and the abominable snowmen that he had seen on his travels.

"They’re going to have nightmares if you don’t stop telling them those stories," Susanna said.

"No, we won’t mom," Ashley said, "keep going Dan. Tell us about the giant wolf again."

Dan continued his stories long after breakfast and by lunch time, Dan, Julian and Ashley had fallen asleep together on the couch. Susanna was pleased because it gave her a chance to tidy the house and prepare lunch in peace.

A few hours after they had finished lunch, and Arianna was down for a nap, the kids climbed the stairs to the baby’s room. Dan had gone outside to put away his balloon and Susanna was in the middle of washing four bundles of laundry.

"Do you think she’ll be ok while we are at Daddy’s house this weekend?" Ashley whispered to Julian as they stood over the crib, watching the peaceful princess sleep.

"Yeah, because Dan and Mommy are here."

"But what if they go somewhere and get Mrs. Potter to babysit?"

"I dunno," Julian said, shrugging his shoulders. The kids heard the doorbell ring and looked at each other with equally surprised looks on their faces. They ran to the nearby window and peered down. They could see a familiar blue car sitting in the driveway.

"Grammy!" They yelled in unison, forgetting that Arianna was sleeping just a few feet away. They cupped their hands over their mouths and crept to the crib. Arianna hadn’t stirred but she was now sucking on her fingers and softly moaning in her sleep. Ashley and Julian quietly tiptoed from the room and shut the door behind them. At once, they ran to the top of the stairs and quickly but carefully made their way down the thirteen steps that led to the front door. They opened it wide but their grandmother wasn’t there.

"Mommy must have let her in," Julian said as they closed the door. They ran to the kitchen and heard female voices coming from the adjacent laundry room. They burst open the door and ran to their grandmother’s open arms.

"My babies!" She exclaimed as she squeezed the children.

"Did you bring us a present Grammy?" Julian asked.

"Sorry honey, not today."

"That’s OK Grammy, we’re just glad you came to visit," Ashley said.

"Well I’m afraid I can’t stay long. I just came to ask if you would like to come for a visit on Sunday."

"Can we Mommy?" Julian pleaded with his mother.

"If you’re back from Daddy’s house in time," she said, folding towels and placing them in a large wicker basket.

"YAY!" The children jumped up and down with glee.

"Shhhh! You’re going to wake the baby. Now go get your things together; Daddy will be here soon to get you."

"OK Mommy." The kids ran from the room.

"Hey, where are my goodbye hugs?" Their grandmother asked as they started up the stairs. They turned halfway up and began the descent toward their grandmother waiting at the door. They quickly hugged her and kissed her down-turned cheek before ascending the stairs once more.  
Friday, December 19, 2003
  Walking in a winter wonderland... Photography by your's truly...this was taken last winter in my parent's back yard...

Haven't been around the ole computer much is hectic...Christmas is SO CLOSE! Six days away...yikes! I should probably finish my Christmas shopping...only problem is that I don't get paid so's a dilemma...oh well...I'll work out something...I always do--I'm Superwoman you know... 
Wednesday, December 03, 2003
  AHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! That is how I'm feeling right now...panic mode...Christmas is too close...where the hell did November go?

I hope to be able to pay myself at least once before Chrismas...I managed to do a bit of shopping...thank God for Manager credit accounts at work...well no...thank me cause it was my everyone I know realizes that they are all getting movies for Christmas...

So I have an alter ego...a news reporter who makes up shit about a famous ex-boyband member...I'd love to be able to write the shit full time but alas my actual identity does not have time...stupid me for starting a website for my email is bombarded with requests for more updates!! It's loads of fun but they'll have to settle for old transcripts until I have time to be if anyone from the site is here...please be patient...Fanny will be back from vacation shortly...I hope...

"Santa Baby...hurry down my chimney tonight..."

My GOD my life is boring!

August 2003 / September 2003 / October 2003 / November 2003 / December 2003 / January 2004 /

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